

Tracking the loans in Excel?
Meet with our fast and robust, yet cost effective solution BIXTRACK based on a proven platform of over 17 years in the industry.

Bixtrack is poised to reshape the way financial institutions operate, enabling them to thrive in an increasingly digital and customer-centric world. It is a tailored package to enable NBFCs and MSMEs to manage their finances is a highly cost effective way.


Loans you offer, we have it covered. Highly customizable to accommodate any kind of lending.


Personal Loan

Bixtrack supports personal loans intended for individuals for various purposes, such as medical expenses, travel, education, or debt consolidation. These loans are typically unsecured, meaning they don't require collateral.

Vehicle Loan

Easily manage loans for the purchase of vehicles, including cars, motorcycles, and commercial vehicles. These loans may be secured by the vehicle itself.

Home Loan

Manage home loans for purchasing or constructing residential properties. These loans are usually secured by the property being financed.

Business Loan

Loans designed for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to fund business expansion, working capital, equipment purchase, or other business-related needs. This includes term loans, working capital loans, and equipment financing.

Education Loan

Loans specifically designed to cover educational expenses, including tuition fees, books, and living costs for students pursuing higher education. It is easy to offer specialized education loan products.

Microfinance Loan

Small loans provided to low-income individuals, often in rural or underserved areas, to support income-generating activities or basic needs.

Invoice Discounting

Financing options to support trade-related activities, including importing/exporting and managing accounts receivable.

Supply Chain Finance

SCF is a mutually beneficial arrangement that involves buyers, suppliers, and financial institutions. Easily optimize and streamline the working capital of companies within a supply chain.

Tie-up Finance

Collaborate with partners to provide loans to the end customers or members. Keep track of the disbursements and repayments efficiently.

How we work

How Bitxia can assist your lending business

Market Ready in

We meet and understand the current status and lending requirements.
Ideas & concepts
Filtering out what is already in place and right, we offer ideas and solutions which are cost effective for the business.
During the product deployment, we closely work with the business to accommodate any specific needs or guide on the right approach to solve a technology problem.
Deployment & Maintenance
We deploy Bixtrack and monitor the system health. Assistance is provided whenever and wherever required.

Got questions or specific use case? Our consultant will understand and deliver a tailored solution.

Case studies

Proud projects that make us stand out

StrideOne Case Study
Bitxia, being a technology partner with Stride, started with Borrower Onboarding while the loans were still being managed in Excel. Gradually transformed Stride's Lending business from Excel to a stable digital platform, which now supports all kind of products in Supply Chain Finance, Retail Lending, Tie-up Finance, Embedded Finance Loans, etc. with various integrations like Transunion, GST, PAN, eNACH, etc.
Stride Ventures Case Study
Bitxia created a proprietary platform for Stride Ventures to manage various funds, investors, and investments. The system onboards the investors and automatically manages the investor transactions and generates Statement of Account, Advance Tax Letters, etc. Various reminders and analytics help the fund managers track the finances efficiently and effectively, without any technology complexities.

Pricing and plan

Bixtrack runs as both On-prem and SaaS solution. Please fill up the contact form below and our team will connect with you.

We will be able to share a quote after discussing your use case, number of users and ticket size.

A Five Star rated product on

Scalability, Robustness, and Reliability

by 20M+ consumers worldwide
